The Seed Industry through NSAI and FSII reached a consensus on commercialization framework for new traits for development of superior plant varieties by plant breeders which will benefit the farmers

Alliance for Agri Innovation urges Government of India to allow Bt Brinjal trials in India

Field trials are the only way to ensure safety of crops and blocking such trials amounts to blocking national development New Delhi, August 07, 2020: Alliance for Agri Innovation (AAI), a special interest group of Federation of Seed Industry of India (FSII) urges the Central and State Governments to allow field trials of BtBrinjal in […]
Disastrous consequences of surge in cultivation of illegal HtBt cotton : FSII & NSAI write to GOI to take immediate action

Delhi, June 17, 2021: Quality seeds for farmers is the first step towards growing quality produce and better yield. Research and development ensure that the challenges faced by farmers are resolved and they get better varieties to fight pests and diseases. However, unscrupulous activities by anti-social elements damage the trust of farmers and the brands […]
Alliance for Agri Innovation celebrates 25 years of growing GM crops

Freedom to adopt GM crops helped farmers earn higher incomes coupled with environmental benefits New Delhi, July 17, 2020: Alliance for Agri Innovation (AAI), a special interest group of Federation of Seed Industry of India (FSII) celebrates 25 years of planting biotech crops globally. The first biotech crop was commercialised in 1996 and the initial […]
FSII welcomes the reforms in EC act, agri marketing, price & quality assurance announced by the Government of India

New Delhi, May 15, 2020: Federation of Seed Industry of India (FSII) welcomes the measures taken by the Government of India to boost the agriculture sector and uplift the farmers in these tough times. Dr MRamasami, Chairman, FSII said, “Setting up of Rs 1 lakh crore agriculture infra fund for farm-gate infrastructure and Rs 10,000-crore […]
Contribution by FSII members towards COVID19 relief measures